How to cleanup a Gluster Heketi volume

Juan Enciso
Juan Enciso
IT Architect, SRE Engineer, DevOps Tools Trainer
Jun 3, 2019 2 min read
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I’m using gluster + heketi in my current kubernetes cluster, with it I give a persistent storage service on demand, it is easy to use, robust and simple. I know others options to implement a simliar service, like a rooks using ceph, however, gluster and heketi support my cluster very well.

One little problem with this approach is to do some operational tasks. For instance, it is needed to cleanup some volumes via heketi CLI. So, from time to time I need to do in my gluster volumes because for some reason, heketi volumes don’t represent the same size when I compared with the gluster bricks sizes. It represent an inconsistency issue.

I’ll show you how to clean up the heketi information to sincronize with gluster bricks information.

Deleting the orphands bricks

Some bricks haven’t the path correctly. So, you need to clean up using the heketi binary command (the server, not the client).


Scale down your heketi service

kubectl scale deployment -n gluster-heketi heketi --replicas=0

Find out your heketidbstorage mount point

kubectl exec -it -n gluster-heketi heketi-5c88f4574d-jxkpl -- df -k

Mount the gluster volume of heketi.db

sudo apt-get -y install glusterfs-client
sudo mount -t glusterfs  /mnt is one of my gluster servers

Download the heketi binary

cd heketi
sudo ./heketi db delete-bricks-with-empty-path --dbfile=/mnt/heketi.db --all
umount /mnt

Scale up your heketi service

kubectl scale deployment -n gluster-heketi heketi --replicas=1

Resync your devices in all the nodes

kubectl exec -it -n gluster-heketi heketi-5c88f4574d-jxkpl -- \ 
  heketi-cli device resync 4c2a876a7829f3660e5a08cd1c0a5b1c

You need to do that in all your devices


Checking your heketi environment

kubectl exec -it -n gluster-heketi heketi-5c88f4574d-jxkpl heketi-cli topology info


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